8. Bottles, Bandages and Yellow Buckets

One down, seven to go.

All went smoothly up until I got in the room. Had I got started straight away I may have been okay but the nurses weren’t ready for me which gave me ample time to panic. Reality hit big, big time. Paul was off parking the car and my desire to run took over. Started to cry and feel sick. The nurse I saw previously took me aside and calmed down, then Paul arrived. I knew I had to get on with it and thought of the messages of support from you and then my desire to get on with it took over. The thought of not going through with it was worse than the dread of having the treatment so best arm forward…

Next comes the pain so fast forward this paragraph if at all squeamish as I promised myself I would tell you like it is. They tried the first vein on my left hand, which hurt like hell. That vein popped (what a cute term!), then the same thing happened with the second vein a bit further up, this hurt even more. I won’t pretend I was brave or strong because I was a real woss and cried like a baby. Third time lucky (I actually said thank you!) with some numbing cream and a different nurse. Wo hoo all systems engaged.

The drip and drugs themselves were weird. The red one first which had the aforementioned effect then two more syringes. All felt tingly, sore and sensitive, bit like getting over pins and needles. This I could handle. Nurse was super and talked me though it all and answered all questions. Meds given with strict instructions to take them tomorrow at the right time. Paul was brilliant throughout, with the exception of some naff jokes that he thought would lighten the mood but I found plain irritating!

Almost forgot the highlight of the visit was this dear little old lady volunteer who came around and offered not just sandwiches, but crisps, biscuits and drink as well. Then Paul got to choose too! I think I’ll have my appointment at lunchtime every week. Any takers for free lunch on 9th May?

Home by 2.15pm, hopefully quicker next time as I hope they can put a doo-dah in my neck so I am not a pin cushion each time. Although it will be a permanent reminder of my new status it will be a small price to pay for less pain and swearing next session. Have had cuppa and lots of small bottles of water that my lovely friend Joanne left for me to have. The perfect present as I have been told to drink lots although I think we both would prefer the alcoholic variety.

Boys off to their piano shortly then quick tea, then cubs (I want their lives to remain as unaffected as possible). Me, well I am on the sofa with a yogurt, the water and another cuppa. Have take painkillers as headache and sore arm need treatment, feel a bit groggy like getting over a hangover. Dreading the side effects starting, wish I could tell which ones I am going to get. There I go again needing control!

Well my friend I needed you today and you were there for me. Once more once less as my mum used to say. Please stay in touch and keep the vibes, prayers, support, food, drink and offers of company and childcare coming.

Fingers crossed for side effect limitation!
Til the next blog
Helen xxxx

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Location:Hockerill St,Bishop’s Stortford,United Kingdom

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