10. The Day After…

Much, much better than expected…

I left you last night with a very dodgy stomach and a head that couldn’t move. I fell asleep watching ” The Apprentice” and only woke at the end of “You’ve Been Fired” so not really worth watching it again which is always disappointing. You find me today in a much better state.

My night was disrupted by waking after every sleep cycle and assessing whether I needed the toilet, a drink, to be sick or to put the tv on. After the assessment I mostly went back to sleep, so a good night altogether. Took anti-sickness table around 6pm which meant I could have my weetabix. Even treated myself to a sprinkle of sugar, such times have never been known in this house, the boys asked what I was doing!

Been on the peppermint tea all day (“What is that smell?” was the boys question!). That has really helped with the nausea which is what I have been feeling the rest of the day although it has helped when I have eaten. We have eaten like royalty today. Alison bought round lasagne, all ready for the freezer and some small puddings that I can scoff when I need a quick sugar fix. Kate delivered a fantastic marbled chocolate fudge cake, half of which has disappeared (yes I did fancy a small slice but everyone else had two pieces and groaned when I said the rest could be for tomorrow!). Julie then delivered (with a two hugs – thank you Debbie) a delicious cottage pie which was devoured (before the cake, there are some things you just can’t let slip!) tonight and I managed a small helping too. Lots of veg for my children too so I feel ok with them having fishfingers tomorrow now. Paul is very good a putting stuff together from the freezer but not so hot on the “from scratch” method of dinner preparation. So thank you ladies for you kind cooking, it keeps me happy that the children’s bowels will continue to function!

An hour of company this morning was lovely. Just right for a coffee and a catch up with Ali and Kate. Good to feel normal things and let you see that I haven’t grown two heads. Talking of positive things I am going to update my list as I have more things to add. Will do that next.

Boys in bed now and c-day 1 + 1 is nearly over. Hopefully tomorrow will be more a further improvement and I can manage more food.

I am reading every comment and absorbing the strength from them daily. It is so very early days for me that I am scared that you’ll get bored and think I won’t need you as much as time goes on. Please pace yourselves and know that I will need you and food and support and company next week, next month and next year.

Thank you again and here’s to more food tomorrow
H xxxx

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